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Diploma in Marketing Communication “Every organisation in today’s competitive business environment — be it a large corporation, a government agency, a small business, a non-profit establishment, or an independent consultant — needs to be able to market to their target audience or customer. Business does not happen without good communication design. The Diploma in Marketing & Communication Programme aims to equip students with in-depth understanding of the range of communication means and methods you can use to meet business objectives. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals needed to build a clear communication strategy for an organisation by decisively aligning the entrepreneurial business with advertising, sale and promotion, public relation, branding, design and digital marketing. This programme is also geared towards the mastery of analytical and critical thinking, effective communication, problem solving, social teaming, and experiential beyond classroom learning. Students will be able to identify the links between the functional areas in organisations, management practices and the dynamic business environment.” Equator College Diploma