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Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) This programme provide you opportunity to specialise in a chosen field of engineering research. You will understand, study and demonstrate your novelty in engineering research and contributions to engineering knowledge through your dissertation. This is the best way for you to demonstrate your research passion, discover new knowledge, contribute to engineering knowledge and being recognized by obtaining a doctoral degree. You will develop your research skills through two taught modules, i.e. research methodology and quantitative analysis. This is a flexible framework, that you will have chances working closely with your supervisors, academic experts, industrial practitioners, government agency from local and international in the following areas: •Electrical and electronic •Embedded System •Image Processing •Renewable/Sustainable energy •Artificial Intelligent •Quality •Advanced Materials •Solid mechanics and materials •Thermo-fluids and turbomachinery •Manufacturing and system Engineering •Green manufacturing •IOT / Industry 4.0 KDU Penang University College PhD