Gotong royong in Machang Bubok, Bukit Mertajam
IPK College always reminds students about a small gesture or initiative could make a huge difference in one’s life. It’s not how much we do or give back that matters, but the thought of making a difference that matters.
While others were wasting time doing unnecessary activities, students of IPK College sacrificed their Saturday rest day to take part in a gotong-royong session that was held around the area of Taman Machang Bubok (Bukit Mertajam) where IPK College is located.
Armed with brooms, dustpans and garbage bags, they went all over Taman Machang Bubok including the playground, the field and in front of houses. The event was a success with the students cleaning the neighbourhood entirely. Students managed to unclog the drains, sweep the dried leaves and pick up rubbishes and dirts around. Students had a lot of fun doing this activity and it was a new experience for some of them.
IPK College will always ensure students understand the importance of having this kind of activities. Apart from cleaning the area, they also learnt the importance of teamwork and leadership.